
in and around中文什么意思

发音:   用"in and around"造句
  • 在….周围
  • around:    adv. 1.周围,四面。 2.〔美口〕各处,四处。 3 ...
  • around:    adv. 1.周围,四面。 2.〔美口〕各处,四处。 3.左近,在附近。 4. 围着,环绕。 5. 向相反方向。 6. 循环重现;旋转。 7. 恢复知觉。 8. 活跃着。 9. 到(谈话双方都熟悉的)某地。 Trauel around from place to place 周游。 look around 环视,四顾。 sit around a table 围着桌子坐。 a car circling around 一辆在兜着圈子的车。 Will you please wait around for me 请在附近等我好吗? Turn around! You're going the wrong way. 转回来,你走错路了! The column measures two feet around. 这根柱子周长2英尺。 She hasn't been around lately. 她最近不活跃了。 He came around to see me. 他到这里来看我。 bring sb. around 使某人恢复知觉。 all around 四处,到处;全面地 (shook hands all around 一一握手)。 all the year around 整年 (mild all the year around 一年四季都很温暖)。 be around 〔美口〕起床;走动 (He's up and around now. 他起来走动了)。 fool around 〔口语〕吊儿郎当。 hang around 在附近徘徊。 have been around (a lot) 〔口语〕见识(很)多;世故(很)深。 the other way around 〔美国〕从相反方向;用相反方式。 1.在周围,围着;绕过。 2.〔美口〕在近处,在附近;前后,左右,差不多。 3.〔美口〕到处。 4.在那边。 5.朝着各个方向。 6.在(某人)身边。 around here 在这边。 around the corner 〔美国〕在拐角那里(= 〔英国〕 round the corner)。 roam around the country 漫游全国。 stay around the house 总不离家。 around four o'clock 四点前后。 travel around the world 作环球旅行。 leave the books around the house 在房子里到处乱丢书。 the few men around the despot 暴君身边寥寥可数的几个人。 get around 绕过(障碍),解决(困难),回避(事实)。
  • be around:    来访
  • turn around turn around:    留恋留恋
  • wind around and around:    成卷状
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Some of the activity in and around the lobby had quieted down .
  2. In addition, they were to study the physiology of the animals that lived in and around the lake .
  3. Responsible for 5s in and around work station
  4. Jack , there are 167 agents in and around the location ,
  5. In and around the immediate baltimore metro area ,


        around:    adv. 1.周围,四面。 2.〔美口〕各处,四处。 3 ...
        around:    adv. 1.周围,四面。 2.〔美口〕各处,四处。 3.左近,在附近。 4. 围着,环绕。 5. 向相反方向。 6. 循环重现;旋转。 7. 恢复知觉。 8. 活跃着。 9. 到(谈话双方都熟悉的)某地。 Trauel around from place to place 周游。 look around 环视,四顾。 sit around a table 围着桌子坐。 a car circling around 一辆在兜着圈子的车。 Will you please wait around for me 请在附近等我好吗? Turn around! You're going the wrong way. 转回来,你走错路了! The column measures two feet around. 这根柱子周长2英尺。 She hasn't been around lately. 她最近不活跃了。 He came around to see me. 他到这里来看我。 bring sb. around 使某人恢复知觉。 all around 四处,到处;全面地 (shook hands all around 一一握手)。 all the year around 整年 (mild all the year around 一年四季都很温暖)。 be around 〔美口〕起床;走动 (He's up and around now. 他起来走动了)。 fool around 〔口语〕吊儿郎当。 hang around 在附近徘徊。 have been around (a lot) 〔口语〕见识(很)多;世故(很)深。 the other way around 〔美国〕从相反方向;用相反方式。 1.在周围,围着;绕过。 2.〔美口〕在近处,在附近;前后,左右,差不多。 3.〔美口〕到处。 4.在那边。 5.朝着各个方向。 6.在(某人)身边。 around here 在这边。 around the corner 〔美国〕在拐角那里(= 〔英国〕 round the corner)。 roam around the country 漫游全国。 stay around the house 总不离家。 around four o'clock 四点前后。 travel around the world 作环球旅行。 leave the books around the house 在房子里到处乱丢书。 the few men around the despot 暴君身边寥寥可数的几个人。 get around 绕过(障碍),解决(困难),回避(事实)。
        be around:    来访
        turn around turn around:    留恋留恋
        wind around and around:    成卷状
        all around:    多方面的; 多用途的; 全面的; 万向的; 围绕你我
        all-around:    adj. 〔美国〕 = all-round.
        ao around:    复飞
        arm around:    搂着肩膀
        around a feedback:    反馈环增
        around a table:    围着桌子
        around and inside:    党内团结
        around china:    中国各地; 祖国各地
        around eighty:    八十来个
        around nation:    国内新闻
        around opening:    环绕开孔
        around rhythm:    昼夜节律
        around school:    在学校
        around synchronization:    循环同步
        around table:    在台面回旋
        around tackle:    锚泊具
        around the bend:    灯火阑珊处; 情感弯道; 有精神病的, 疯狂的
        around the clock:    不分昼夜; 连续24小时地; 连续二十四小时的; 连续一整天, 连续一昼夜, 二十四小时; 全天候; 日以继夜;整日整夜; 一天不间断,一天24小时不停; 整天不间断, 一天二十四小时不停; 昼夜不断地,全天地; 昼夜不停的; 昼夜不停地
        around the competition:    提供食宿费用
        around the corner:    即将来临,在拐角处; 行将发生的,即将来到的;在近处的; 在拐角处, 在附近, 即将来临; 在拐角处;即将到来; 在街角附近



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  6. in and in 什么意思
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